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How to prepare your slate roof for winter
Making sure your roof is protected for every season in Sydney is key to ensuring the longevity of your slate roof. Every year thousands if not more Sydney homes and business are damaged because of an already damaged roof. If they had taken steps to make sure their roof was in good condition, then they would have made it through winter without any issues.
With Sydney winter here upon us, it’s vital that you take these steps to protect your roof from the elements.
a) make sure you get your roof professionally inspected. If there are any issues with your roof such as cracked or dislodged tiles the winter conditions will only make things worse. Most homeowners are not experts when it comes to their roof and are unable to detect any hidden issues. Only a professional roofer will be able to identify any problems quickly and address these before those nasty winter rains and storms come.
b) Quickly address any signs of damage. Take a look at your roof and see if there are any cracks or broken slates. If you can clearly see any issues please give Scott at First Class Slate a call on 9695 1451 ASAP. Waiting will only make things worse.
c)Check for any internal water damage. Water that has seeped through the tiles will make its way to the inner roof surface and eventually your ceiling. Look for these wet spots, as these are most likely a result of your damaged roof tiles.
d) When was the last time you had your flashing replaced? Roof flashings are a great way to waterproof your roof and if you have bought a new place or you have not replaced your flashing in years, this might be a good opportunity to do something about this. If your flashing is worn or there are tears it will need to be replaced. Delaying this or putting it off for this winter can prove costly if there are heavy rains.
e) Lastly, clean out all your roof gutters of leaves, dirt and debris. You’ll be surprised by how much is up there in the gutters and how much has accumulated over the years. Be very proactive when it comes to this. If you’re not the type to get on a ladder and clean the gutters then get a handyman to do this for you.
These are just a few great steps you can take to protect your roof during this coming winter
Also read: 3 main slate roof installation mistakes